Tuesday, January 20, 2015

1/20/15 Meeting

1. Sign-In (if you haven't already)
2. Pick up shirts/sweatshirts if you ordered them.
1 Small Shirt ($15)
1 Medium Shirt ($15)
1 Small Sweatshirt ($25)
Pay Stacey if you are interested.
3. Yearbook Club Photos 
hatching in pen and ink
hatching - a row of lines, all facing in the same direction. More dense and concentrated in the areas that appear darker.
cross-hatching in pen and ink
cross-hatching - similar to hatching, except with the addition of criss-crossing lines.
contour-hatching in pen and ink
contour-hatching - follows the contour, or curve or outline, of the object. In this case, the hatching is rounded to match the shape of the circle.
scumbling in pen and ink
scumbling - tiny, squiggly circular lines - sort of like "controlled scribbling"
stippling in pen and ink
stippling - placing many, many dots on the paper to indicate shading. Probably the most time consuming of all the methods, but creates some neat effects.
5 techniques for creating value in pen and ink




When you add your shadow on the ground on the opposite side from the sunlight, put a smaller area of shadow on the ground on the sunlit side as these branches would still cast some shadows.


transparent gif for spacingDrawing Foliage with PencilsDrawing Trees with PencilsPencil Drawing of FoliagePencil Drawing of TreesHow to Draw Trees



1.) 15 minutes

2.) Trunk

3.) Branch

4.) Loose Sketch- Landscape

5.) Loose Sketch

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